The Magic Formula of Finnish Education

December 31, 2015 by Juha Merinen

When it comes to education, Finland stands at the head of the class – and the world has noticed.

The exceptional quality of Finland’s education system has been recognized time and again in PISA studies (Programme for International Student Assessment) and by other internationally renowned organizations such as WorldSkills. In the latest PISA survey (2012) Finland ranked fourth among all OECD countries and first in Europe in the problem-solving assessment. Seven Finnish universities ranked in the top 400 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2014–2015.

Finland – Solutions for Educational Excellence

Future Learning Finland (FLF) has five main fields of expertise from which the combined know-how and solutions are created. FLF brings together the top Finnish players from private companies to vocational institutions, universities and universities of applied sciences, to offer the best possible educational solutions internationally. Learn more about the Finnish Solutions for Educational Excellence.

See the video about the Finnish Solutions for Educational Excellence to learn more


Finland – The home of World Class Education

Finland’s excellent learning outcomes are the result of research-based pedagogy and its innovative approach to teaching and learning.
This combination supports the creation of excellent curricula and first-rate learning environments and processes.

High-quality training, professional freedom, and trust are the ingredients of success.
Teachers in Finland must hold a master’s degree and pedagogical qualifications. They enjoy professional freedom and trust, and have the power to influence their own daily work and the development of schools.

Finland has a strong ICT sector and a booming gaming industry.
This has helped to create favorable conditions for developing cutting-edge digital learning solutions that make learning fun!


About Future Learning Finland – Promoting Finnish education business internationally

Future Learning Finland (FLF) is a dynamic education business network that brings together world-class private companies, vocational institutions, and higher education institutions from Finland. The FLF network offers expertise covering everything from math learning solutions to complete education-system reforms. FLF is supported by the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy.

Learn more about Future Learning Finland:


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