“There are so many men who can figure costs, and so few who can measure values” (Anonymous).
Recently I have had an opportunity to follow quite closely one great business idea transforming from a big dream into real action. In one of my earlier blogs (Get big, get niche or get out) I quoted one of my friend´s wise thought below.
Once upon a time there was a DREAM,
- out of which became an OBJECTIVE,
- on what the PLAN was created,
- that led me into ACTIONS,
- towards the RESULTS,
- I had earlier only DREAMT of
Now I have witnessed what it means in reality. It is truly amazing what one can achieve when putting one´s mind and heart into making a big dream into action. This young company is truly a great example of 21st Century Finnish Entrepreneurial Transformer who will follow his dream and achieve the results he had earlier only dreamt of. The big question how ever is will either private investors or public sector stakeholders be able to understand this megatrend early enough.
Doing good for the mankind and making business at the same time
I was watching a documentary a few weeks ago about the amazing and positive impacts what the Japanese PARO Therapeutic Robot enabled among elderly people suffering from dementia. To understand the urgency and the magnitude of the issue on hand and the scale of the business opportunity let us take a look a few facts below.
- The number of patients for example with dementia is increasing heavily: Across the globe, more than 35 million people are living with dementia; according to recent World Health Organization (WHO) estimates.
This number is expected to more than triple to reach 115 million by 2050 in the wake of world population aging. While dementia affects people worldwide, more than half (58 percent) are living in low- and middle-income countries. By 2050, this share is expected to rise to more than 70 percent. - The number of people in China with dementia was about 9,2 million in 2010. Accounting for one-third of the total number of patients worldwide, and approximately 1,8 million new cases each year, about 1 million people dead because of dementia. The situation is very rigorous, and people haven’t paid enough attention to it.
Transforming elderly care with next generation robotics
Solutions creating concrete developmental effects by improving the quality of life for elderly people are not only
a true business opportunity but definitely a business we all want to be successful. This is for our own sake because
the increasing issues of our aging societies calls for these actions from our next generation young entrepreneurs.
Personally I also would want to live longer independently, healthier and capitalize on the technology available and invented by these young entrepreneurial Finnish transformers.
One of these Finnish companies operating in this field is JetSpark Robotics Oy. Being a Member of the Advisory Board for JetSpark Robotics Oy it is easy to see the bright future for this company.
During my own journey as an entrepreneur I have found myself actively searching for customers with a big dream
in developing solutions for example within areas like education, healthcare, elderly care, environment, and similar global opportunities. Companies like these do not have an exit as their main strategy as they have more important priorities in their hearts.
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