SMART cooperation to accelerate Finnish companies´ international growth

November 26, 2013 by Juha Merinen

SMART Internationalization Oy and Quum International Oy have signed a strategic partnership agreement on applying QUUM (Quadratic Assessment Model) analysis with SMART Internationalization® sales intelligence advisory, coaching, consulting and training services for internationalization. The cooperation aims to speed up growth and internationalization of Start-Ups and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

QUUM is a fast and reliable tool for professionals enabling certified QUUM partners to assess the international business competences of any size of enterprises. The results indicate strengths and weaknesses with accurate
and concrete directions for improvements. QUUM analysis recognizes the strengths of your business and detects
the development points for growth and internationalization. SMART Internationalization® as a certified QUUM expert offers QUUM analysis as an integral part of its own advisory, coaching, training and consulting services.

QUUM detects all the international business competences in need of enhancement and deepening. Extensive empirical material has shown that the detected areas can also be outside the experience of key personnel. Setting measurable objectives requires knowledge of the challenges and opportunities on the path to international business. Traditional business analysis models typically only report the activities and plans of the enterprise. The final results will depend on the skills of the key personnel and their current understanding of the factors affecting the growth of the enterprise. The QUUM process provides the company with a detailed analysis of growth and internationalization strategies and improvement activities across the organization, leading to the most effective results.

The earlier experience of Petri Ahokangas (CEO and co-founder of QUUM International Oy) in international business
had clearly shown that traditional consulting work with personal interviews, does not work well enough for fast international business development. Typically traditional consulting uses a lot of time when trying to find crucial development points, and provides little practical results. There had to be a better way.

SMART Internationalization® was established in response to a clear need for specialized sales development advisory services for growth in external markets. We provide critical support for executive officers and operational sales teams to develop the relevant sales structures, processes and tools that help sales teams learn and cultivate best practices for international growth.

QUUM International combines extensive business experience and academic research in international business.

The QUUM analysis model is based on the owners’ extensive experience in international business and on the latest academic research on  the internationalization of world leading enterprises and the most successful start-ups, without forgetting business failures, which often teach more than success. Naturally, having done significant research into the related areas, the University of Oulu is also an owner of the company.

More detailed information on QUUM analysis


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