Business Booster – Growth Accelerator for SMEs seminar 19.3.2014

February 21, 2014 by Juha Merinen

Divest Group Oy will launch a new conceptual program which aims to accelerate Finnish Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) business growth both in domestic and international market.

Business Booster seminar will be held at Finnvera (Eteläesplanadi 8, Helsinki) on 19th of March at 08:30-11:30.

More about Business Booster© seminar and link to registration

Business Booster was developed to address the clear need of value network based advisory services and it is
managed and coordinated by Divest Group Oy. In addition to Divest Group Oy, professional growth accelerator services will be offered also via Certified Business Booster Ecosystem Partners.

Business Booster as a new  ´One-Stop-Shopping´ based innovative and concrete service model serves companies, besides consulting, also in outsourcing, recruitment, training and professional subject matter expertise services.

In the seminar Finnvera will present their financial services for SMEs targeting to growth and internationalization.
In addition Finnvera will pre-launch the new ´Finnvera Growth Program´.

As a strategic partner to Divest Group  Oy, SMART Internationalization® will provide its advisory, consulting and subject matter expert services to Business Booster©. These services will include also QUUM analysis for systematic approach for internationalization. Objective is to provide critical support for executive officers and operational sales teams to develop the relevant sales structures, processes and tools that help sales teams learn and cultivate best practices for international growth.

More about Divest Group Oy

More about Finnvera

More about QUUM analysis


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