SMART InfoChannel

Your personal guide to international sales intelligence.

April 19, 2019

Leading the International Growth and Market Expansion

Internationalization is a process and not an event  Going international is easy when one keeps only one thing in mind all the time. Internationalization is a process and not an event. Therefore it is of utmost importance that you are fully aware of how to create the strategy framework for going international. Strategy is all...

Strategy, Sustainable Development

From Platform Economy to Value Economy

December 27, 2017

Today the most successful companies are focusing on creating their “Unfair Competitive Advantage” based on the Platform Economy via Collaboration and Knowledge Integration in close cooperation with their customers and partners. The next logical step for these forward thinking companies is to start crafting their business strategy and Mode of Operations based on so called...

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Internationalization, Strategy

Lenovo and TechCode investing and accelerating the growth for better tomorrow in the Finnish Healthcare sector and MedTech start up scene

April 9, 2017

The society, its structures, the way businesses are operating, the way consumers or citizens are experiencing and engaging e.g. with services is changing fast. The change is very much empowered by technology and number of operators creating the tomorrow’s next best infrastructure.

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Internationalization, Strategy

Where do you want to take your company?

January 2, 2015

Success is not an accident, but a logical outcome from timely execution of a good plan. Internationalization is  a process and not an event. To succeed in implementing your plans for internationalization it is worthwhile to remember that strategy is all about setting the course and navigating to the right direction. Therefore a solid situation report...

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Internationalization, Sales Intelligence, Strategy

Perfect Case Scenario – “A Dream with a Deadline”

November 10, 2012

On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced before a special joint session of Congress the dramatic and ambitious goal of sending an American safely to the Moon before the end of the decade. This famous speech is maybe one of the best examples what a dream with a deadline really means. It had...

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