SMART InfoChannel

Your personal guide to international sales intelligence.

May 13, 2014

About sales activities to hit the targets

Most (if not all) of us within sales have experienced the typical month end situation where there were not simply enough days left to hit the targets. The only way to achieve the sales quota was to expect a miracle to happen or trying to prolong the on-going month “with a little help of sales...

Customer, Internationalization, Sales Intelligence

Quo Vadis Finnish Education Business?

February 9, 2014

All for one and one for all seems to be a mountain to climb within the Finnish education business. At the same time we are sitting on a pot of gold. Finland has more than plenty state-of-the-art Start-Ups having world class gamified solutions for education. Where is the next exit to future growth and prosperity...

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Customer, Internationalization, Sales

Music in education makes the world go ´round

September 13, 2013

Finland is known for its state-of-the-art education. This has been “The Truth” for a very long time. Finland´s teacher education programme – heavily backed up by the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) success – has placed Finland on the top of the pyramid – year after year. The 21st Century teaching and learning paradigm shift...

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Customer, Internationalization

Get big, get niche or get out

August 3, 2013

I am not really sure whether I know anyone who does not talk about the importance of getting our Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to save our economy. The Finnish SMEs should be able to rescue the unemployment, trade balance and the lot. All this  they should be able to do by themselves in “the...

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Customer, Internationalization, Sales, Sales Intelligence

Sales Intelligence in Internet Marketing

April 13, 2013

The highly underestimated combined effect of professional sales intelligence and systematic approach to inbound internet marketing may just be the key success factor for any business. The missing link in creating superior holistic alignment between sales and marketing teams has to be found in all success hungry organisations. For Small and Medium-sized Enterprises looking to...

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Customer Intimacy as a company value point

September 25, 2012

Can focusing on one area of operational excellence make the difference? Management theory gurus Michael E. Porter,   Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema believed that successful companies all have something in common. What do they do differently from the others? Why are some more successful than the others? Is there a learning experience for all of...

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